Exercise in Aysnc Web Image Scraping


For the past five months my wife and I have been building our new house here in Chattanooga. A new house is basically a blank canvas. Each room and area of the house has its own requirements and design. This is very overwhelming and I am NOT an interior designer. Most people would take to Pinterest for their design inspiration, but for me inspiration came from Freshome. Every day I would comb through the latest articles, download one by one the images that inspired me the most. Needless to say this was time consuming. I wanted to be able to automate this process. It was time to crack open SublimeText 2.


The requirements that were quite simple:

  • Grab latest 10 articles
  • Download each ‘inspiration image' for a given article asynchronously


Making it Better?

I’m always looking for advice and tips to improve my python scripts. The ease and strength of language has made developing these types of utilities extremely fun. I would really like to hear people’s thoughts regarding the multithreading or making the parse selector better.
