Around the same time that Oliver Drobnik (Formely Dr. Touch) published his blog entry, Custom-Colored Disclosure Indicators, I was also in the middle a client's project where the table view cells each had a different colored uitablviewcellaccessory. I had to deal with 20 different images for the accessory views (10 for pre-iPhone4 and 10 for retina display). At the time I knew having to manage the images themselves and the code to display those views was unwieldy and cumbersome. I took inspiration from Oliver's post to come up with a class, CWCustomAccessoryView, which allows the developer to customize the way the accessoryView for a cell looks which includes the stroke, _>_, and fill color.
Though the code is almost a month old and I haven't had that much time on improving it, but after reading Ray Wenderlich's blog on Arc's and Paths I see I need to make the accessory view look for like Apple's detail disclosure button to make everything look really polished.
Per usual the code is hosted over at GitHub. Comments and improvements are ALWAYS welcomed.