Ten days ago I received an email from my friend Tiffanie Robinson urging me to apply for the tonight’s “Will This Float” event here in Chattanooga in order to pitch WhoNote.
Will This Float? celebrates the diversity of the creative and entrepreneurial spirit across the Chattanooga region by showcasing up-and-coming innovators as they pitch their ideas! Join us for good food, drinks, great company, and innovative start-up ideas.
What does the mean for WhoNote? Well, a few things.
- It as made me focus on the mission of the app.
- It provides an forum for constructive critisim and feedback
- I’m able to contribute to the growth of the emerging tech scene in Chattanooga
It has been very challenging to come up with a pitch that covers the range of topics that were required and keep everything under 3 mins, but the result has been rewarding.
-Why should I care? (If you can’t get me excited/inspired, I won’t help you…)
-What is your business model? (how do you make money)
-Who is your market? (why do they want your stuff, and how many are there, how much money is that)
-Who’s on your team? (Do you have any mad skills or super connected/successful team members or advisors that greatly increase your odds of being successful)
-Is this just another idea that will fizzle out in a month or two? (Show that you have some momentum, that people are joining your team, committing to help, or using your thing, and that you and your team are destined for greatness.)
-What is your vison for the future? (This is where you make your ask to the audience- “I’m doing a Kickstarter.” or “I need mentors/specific advisors/industry connections/investment capital.” This needs to be a logically laid out plan without skipped steps or unrealistic expectations, i.e. not “I have a great idea, give me 1.5 million.” more like “Next steps are to talk with industry experts to help wireframe a product to raise seed capital to prove the concept…”
Regardless of the outcome, the development of WhoNote will continue. It has been the best project that I have ever worked on. Don’t forget to signup for updates.
If you are in the Chattanooga area come you should come and check the event out. Not just for WhoNote, but all the other awesome pitches and amazing food from Fork and Pie….and did I mention Chattanooga Whiskey is a sponsor as well. That is pretty much a win for everyone